They talk about WCS KR, the recent Samsung acquisition of team MVP, the Aussie metagame and a whole lot more! Hosts:Artosis and guests: x5_pig, Iaguz and Rossi. Production: Sympatico & Music: Matt Ilantzis. iTunes:
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This week on META, Artosis brings on guests Catz, Idra & Desrow to talk Dreamhack Bucharest, Bisu Retiring and much more! Hosts:Artosis and guests: CatZ, Idra and desRow. Production: Sympatico & Music: Matt Ilantzis.
DRM free music now available from Sympatico Music Store Portable Electronics: Digital Cameras, Camcorders, ebook Readers, iPods, MP3 Players and GPS.
Well let me explain. There`s an MSN Music/Sympatico store that Canadians can use to purchase music. However, the problem was that it was using PlaysforSure DRM which is a format that Zune and Zune Software can`t read.
They talk about WCS KR, the recent Samsung acquisition of team MVP, the Aussie metagame and a whole lot more! Hosts:Artosis and guests: x5_pig, Iaguz and Rossi. Production: Sympatico & Music: Matt Ilantzis. iTunes:
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